Unit - 13
Objective: Learn to plan an effective teaching/learning process.
Unit -16
Objective: Understand and learn to use assessment to promote and enhance learning.
Unit - 14
Objective: Understand the types of lessons to be planned for Young learners and Teenagers.
Unit - 15
Objective: Understand the importance of using resources effectively.

Lanka TEFL Training Institute
OFQUAL UK Regulated/TQUK Endorsed TEFL/TESOL Certificate

I am delighted that you have chosen to visit our website. I hope that you will find all the information that you are looking for on this website you will find detailed information about all the services offered at our Institute. However, if you would need more information or if you feel something is not listed, please write, call, or e-mail, and our staff will readily assist you. Enjoy your visit on our website.
I look forward to personally welcoming you on your visit at our Institute. I am sure it will be one of the most exciting and culturally enriching experiences of your life.
Our objective is to be a contribution to the community and effective in raising productivity efficiency and to develop competent workforce that are able to compete in a most competitive work environment.
We aim at offering distinctive training programs to meet the job market demands of skilled resources.Producing professionally qualified teachers is one of our priorities while catering to the demands of quality education in Sri Lanka.We strictly adhere to The Technical and Vocational Training guidelines and capitalize on Tertiary developments. Lanka TEFL Training Institute gives high priority to social responsibility in all aspects.We look forward to working together with public, private, and non-profit organizations operating in the region in order to enrich the community professionally.
Thank you & warm regards,
M.A.K.A Fernando
CEO / Founder